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Hey besties, It's me!

Addison here, a 34 year old mama to two terrifyingly beautiful girls. Eek, I know! The first thing I have to say is I'm killing it as a single parent over here, I mean they are 10 and 16 and so far they have turned out pretty dang amazing. And yes you read that right, my oldest is 16. Scary right? But don’t worry, she has a good head on her so she hasn’t made me doubt this whole motherhood thing too much.. yet! My girls are my entire world, however, It’s important that you know that I am more than just a mama. I am a woman! I am filled with beauty and passion. I care about my health and what goes into my body, and I want you to feel that same passion for your own health, which is why I became a distributor for ItWorks! I’m here to help you love your body inside and out because we are all exquisitely beautiful women and we need to stick together, right? I can’t wait to share my life with you as we continue our journeys together.

I am simply me.

Love Always,

Addison Keely

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